Dealing with Vaginal Discharge, Itchiness & Period Cramps
Ladies raise your hand if you’ve experienced the following at least once in your life!
- Vaginal discharge and unpleasant odour
- Itchiness and dryness in your intimate area
- Irregular and painful period cramps
- Low sex drive due to feeling “unsexy”
If you have raised your hand, there’s no need to feel like a freak! You’re a part of every 8 in 10 adult Asian women aged between 25 – 44. These problems are more common than you think and can be especially frequent for Asian women living in hot tropical climates. Let’s take a closer look at what causes these problems and what you can do about them.
Vaginal Discharge & Unpleasant Odour
A woman’s intimate area can be home to billions of bacteria and paired with the fact that our groyne area contains many sweat glands, it is no surprise that this is a common problem that affects menstruating women. Different types of odours of vaginal discharge can even indicate different health problems you might have. Coppery and metallic smell indicate the presence of recent blood and tissue. A chemical like or ammonia smell suggests dehydration and a fishy smell can be indicative of bacterial infection.
In general, abnormal odours should be pretty easy to spot and in some cases when it is accompanied with other symptoms, you know it’s time to see a doctor.
- Itching or burning sensation
- Extreme pain or pain during sex
- Thick cheese-like discharge
- Vaginal bleeding unrelated to your period
What can you do about it?
- Avoid douches and perfumed soaps to maintain your vagina’s natural pH
- Wear cotton panties
- Avoid wearing tight-fitting clothing
- Wash your genital area before and after intercourse
Irregular & Painful Periods
Woman's hand holding her crotch suffering from pain, itchy concept background
Menstrual cramps can affect ladies before and during periods. While some people are lucky enough to only experience mild discomfort, it can be a source of excruciating and prolonged pain for others. If period cramps are tormenting you every month, there are always home remedies that can soothe your pain or help prevent it in the first place.
What can you do about it?
- Use a heat patch on your abdomen
- Massage your abdomen with essential oils such as lavender, sage or rose
- Use an over-the-counter pain reliever
- Avoid caffeine or salty foods during cramps.
Vaginal Itching & Dryness
If you’ve always thought that vaginal itchiness and dryness is due to a lack of moisture, you’re technically only half right. Falling oestrogen levels are known to be the main cause of vaginal dryness and a decrease in oestrogen production is most in part due to ageing. Other possible causes of lower oestrogen levels include depression, smoking, stress, childbirth, rigorous exercise and in rare cases, diseases.
What can you do about it?
While hormone therapy may be the medical community’s recommendation in combating dropping oestrogen levels, there are other less invasive alternatives that you may wish to try first.
- Applying a vaginal moisturiser
- Use water-based lubricants during sex
- Adding soybeans or soy milk to your diet, where compounds mimic the effects of Oestrogen